I finally took pictures of the Honest Teas that I drank in spring semester of 2012, as well as the few I had on my visited down in the summer of 2012.
The results? Spring semester I drank 20, summer I drank 7. Fall of 2011 I drank 21, so there was a slight decline from fall to spring. (Keep in mind I don't teach in the summer and drive down less than once a week.) However, there is still not enough data to come to any conclusions. I must continue to drink my teas, keep them, and photograph them. I'm already building my fall collection.
Spring 2012
Summer 2012
Wow, thanks John. What a sincere and thoughtful comment. And hey, you're a man who knows the value of education, too. That's so important. I'd totally click on that link for the online high school diploma, except I already have my M.S. and also, I'm not an absolute idiot.