Friday, May 7, 2010


I don't like Philip Marlowe.  Maybe I just don't care for the style of the whole book - it's all cool customers with snappy retorts being mean to each other, embroiled in various crimes.  I'll finish the book (it's skinny) but these noir-ish detective stories aren't for me.  I like protagonists with a little self-deprecation and emotion.

I bought a pattern for a 1930s blouse.  Work will commence on that soon, once the semester ends.  I'll also be refinishing my dresser.  I'll post some before and after photos - I've never refinished a thing, so we'll see how it goes.  Right now the most intimidating part is the question of where to put all the stuff currently inside and on top of it.  Bags or boxes, I guess.  For some reason I'm dreading that.

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